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I need to charge up my phone http://www.milutin-milankovic.com/biografija/ dose of methotrexate It's going to be difficult for Eagles wide receiver Riley Cooper to overcome getting caught on tape using a racial slur at a concert. Despite his profuse apology and the Eagles fining him and putting him on a leave of absence Friday to attend counseling sessions, can the African-American players on the Eagles and around the league forgive him? Will they make him a target on the field? Cooper became a more important player for the Eagles when Jeremy Maclin tore his ACL early in training camp, but the Eagles would be better off cutting him rather than dealing with a volatile issue that no team needs, It could follow them all season. Cooper stood in front of his teammates and apologized and many seem to be forgiving. Michael Vick tweeted, "Riley's my friend. Our relationship is mutual respect. He looked me in the eyes and apologized. I believe in forgiveness and I believe in him." Linebacker DeMeco Ryans said, "I don't think it will fracture the team," although wide receiver Jason Avant said it could take time to heal. "It's not some kind of sweep-under-the-rug thing. We are family. Everything is tight-knit. There are certain things that we deal amongst our team. With that being said, there's no place for that anyway, anyhow, anywhere." Cooper, by the way, is a former college roommate of Tim Tebow. He has just 46 catches in three years with the Eagles, production that is easily replaceable.



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